Mexican Breakfast Buffet at the Virreyes Resturant
Mexican Lunch Buffet
Terrace Happy Hour After the Keynote
Aldo Fernandez
[coming soon]
Description coming up shortly.
In this session, I will share my experience developing and publishing Android and iOS mobile apps using Salesforce Experience Cloud and Mobile App Publisher. From initial wireframes to final deployment and having my first app published on Android and iOS, I’ll walk through the journey of building a robust, customer-facing app that seamlessly integrates with the Salesforce ecosystem.
This session will cover:
• Key steps in configuring Experience Cloud
• Integrating Salesforce data and features into the app
• Challenges faced in Android and iOS publishing
• Addressing common pain points like security, performance, and user experience
• Tips for avoiding pitfalls during the development and deployment process
Whether you’re an admin or developer looking to expand your mobile capabilities or you’re exploring mobile app publishing using Salesforce Experience Cloud, this session will provide actionable insights and lessons learned from the field.
Key Takeaways:
• A practical guide to mobile app publishing using Experience Cloud
• Solutions to common development and publishing pain points
• Tips for optimizing performance and ensuring a smooth user experience
Developers are a special breed. Within the Salesforce ecosystem, their power to build and create complex apps is unique and one of the most wanted skills in the market. However, there’s a common misconception that a developer with a lot of knowledge, it’s an architect. In this session, we are going to explore what it takes to make the shift from a developer/admineloper to an architect role and what are the challenges and forces involved.
Gone are the days of the siloed basement-dwelling developer. Join me to explore tips, lessons learned, and personal aspirations in harnessing effective communication to build elegant applications. This session can help not only developers but the quality of applications, leading to exponential positive impact on users’ quality of life and business growth. In this presentation, I will share some approaches from my original career and education in social sciences, as well as lessons learned as I’ve worked my way up from Admin to Analyst to Developer within the Salesforce ecosystem, with a focus on how effective communication has been central to my success. Reflecting on my transition, I’ll highlight the crucial role communication plays in understanding user needs and driving innovation in Salesforce development.
Step into the Integration League with MuleSoft & Salesforce! Discover how this dynamic duo can conquer data chaos and elevate your business.
Discover practical strategies and insights in a fun, engaging way that you won’t forget.
Topic to talk about:
Integration: Understand how MuleSoft and Salesforce collaborate to connect disparate systems and streamline your data flow.
Data Management: Learn strategies for managing and organizing data effectively, reducing chaos, and ensuring consistency across platforms.
Compartir los métodos de revisión de código que usamos en uno de nuestro proyectos de trabajo recientes, de cómo nos ayudó a mantener las buenas prácticas y aumentamos la eficiencia de todo nuestro scrum team al identificar bugs potenciales y escenarios ignorados antes de tiempo. Adicionalmente queremos explorar los beneficios y los riesgos de usar inteligencia artificial para acelerar la revisión de código.
Discover how to apply Apex features like inheritance, encapsulation, and polymorphism. Analyze which patterns work best in Salesforce, considering its transactional execution context.
Learn best practices for ensuring your Salesforce code is deployment-ready. From version control to CI/CD, streamline your process for smooth, error-free releases.
Build the Future with Agentforce. Get hands-on with Data Cloud, Prompt Builder, and AI Agents.
Learn how to build custom Einstein Copilot actions with Apex to address advanced developer use cases, such as consuming APIs like the REST API, Metadata API, and Marketing Cloud APIs.
Descubre cómo WomenForceIT impulsa el desarrollo de mujeres hispanohablantes en el ecosistema Salesforce, promoviendo el crecimiento profesional y la inclusión en la industria tecnológica a través de mentorías, formación especializada, y una comun
Existimos varias comunidades de Salesforce y Salesforce Marketing Cloud en México y el ideal es contar con un espacio durante Mexico Dreamin donde podamos generar una mesa redonda de las principales comunidades que estamos activas para que todxs lxs Trailblazers nos conozcan, sepan donde encontrarnos, cómo pueden registrarse y colaborar en los espacios oficiales virtuales y presenciales.
En mi caso lidero la comunidad de Trailhead “SFMC en Español” con 197 usuarios en Trailhead y más de 500 usuarios en nuestro grupo de WhatsApp donde las personas preguntan dudas y ayudan a los demás. Durante el World Tour de CDMX tuvimos un espacio similar y muchas personas se acercaron para registrarse a las comunidades de Marketing Cloud de México (Victor Gonzalez), SF Torreón (Sara Rodriguez), Comunidad de Monterrey (Grissell Cabrera) y la comunidad de Pardot (Edgar Gonzalez). ¡Me gustaría formar parte de una mesa similar en Mx Dreamin!
Somos una iniciativa de economía social y solidaria formada por dos familias de Oaxaca, que trabajamos mezcales tradicionales de producción familiar y campesina, libre de intermediarios y amigables con el futuro, pues el propósito es alcanzar una producción ambientalmente sustentable, socialmente justa y económicamente sostenible.
Join us for a hands-on workshop on Salesforce Architecture Best Practices.
La sesión busca dar alternativas de cómo proteger a tus APIs aplicando conceptos de Zero Trust Networking. Vamos a ver cómo aplicarlos a Anypoint Platform a través de sus modelos de CloudHub 2.0 y modelos híbridos. Es una sesión que busca ser disruptiva en cuanto a los mecanismos que regularmente ocupamos para proteger a las APIs, pero al mismo tiempo dará alternativas simples para que puedas lograr ser invisible para los atacantes.